Caching 8/28 - Micro Managed
There are a number of micro caches that have been hidden within a few miles of the house. I set out on my bicycle yesterday to see if I could find a few of them. the first is a small item that I guess is hidden in a pine tree along Wildcat. I was unable to find it. I'll bet it is a small capsule attached to one of the limbs on the tree. It is really hard to spot those.
The second one is called Head Scratcher #2. I didn't bother looking for this one since there were a bunch of muggles sitting in the grass nearby. I'll try again another time. I had looked for this one once before and failed to find it. Another clever hide.
Cache #3 is called Recurring Dream and I was able to find it. It is a little box with magnets holding it to a bolt underneath a footbridge. I signed the log and replaced it.
There are several micros along Highlands Ranch Parkway that I considered looking for but there were too many people (muggles) around.
Lastly I rode over to another cache that I had found once before because there is supposedly a white jeep travel bug in it. I found no jeep or cache. I think it is missing altogether. Oh well.
This 13 mile bikeride yielded 1 cache out of 6.
On my next bikeride, I am going to try to find some benchmarks which are loggable like caches.
Chris, what exactly arre IN these caches? or are they just empty boxes? Wouldn't it be nice to find one that said HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU?
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