Friday, November 30, 2007

Mountain Sea Turtle Bug

This travel bug is one of the first ones I released. He has the second most miles of any of my travel bugs with almost 8,000 miles logged.

The cache into which I initially released this one is about a mile from where I live in Colorado in a cache called Highlands Ranch Bug House. That was on April 14th, 2007. The first person who picked it up took it to the Bahamas! It has since travelled to other caches in Washington, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maine, and Vermont. It is currently in a cache near Montpelier, Vermont called Lost and Found. It is near a covered bridge called the Upper Cox Bridge. Go here for a picture of the bridge.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Big Bug Turtle

Big Bug Turtle is a geocaching travel bug that I released into the wild world of geocaching. So far he has travelled farther than any of my other travel bugs with almost 10,000 miles logged.

The cache into which I initially released him is in Kansas. The cache is called Mingo. It is the oldest active cache in the world and it was the seventh one created way back in the year 2000.

I put Big Bug Turtle in the Mingo cache on August 2nd, 2007. It was picked up by another cacher later that same day. It has since travelled to other caches in Kansas, Florida, Alabama, Alaska, Alabama again, Florida again, and Texas. It is currently in a cache in Abilene, Texas called TB Train Station in the company of 8 other travel bugs and 2 geocoins.

I wonder where Mr. Turtle will go next.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Pet Peeve #3 and #4

Dog owners who don't pick up after their dogs along public park trails.

Dog owners who let their dogs off leash where they are not supposed to do so.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Icon Collecting

One of the interesting facets of goecaching is the discovery and movement of geocoins. These are trackable coins that wander around the world visiting caches with the help of geocachers like myself. Once one is discovered, an icon representing the coin type is added to the cacher's profile. Below are the icons I have collected so far. Each one represents a different type of geocoin or other trackable that I have run across. The two that look identical are actually different.

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Pet Peeve #2

Preachy bumper stickers. Even though I sometimes agree with the sentiment. I prefer funny bumper stickers. I do not have any on my car whatsoever.

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Today's Pet Peeve

People who get offended at something and expect something to be done. If we outlaw everything that offends us, there will a noticable lack of freedom.