Wednesday, August 30, 2006


If you look at the photo of the "Moose Tree" on an earlier posting of mine, you will see a house. That house is next door to the house where I lived. If you look closely at the picture, you will see three buildings. Our house is on the left side of the picture. The building on the right is the detached garage for the house in full view in the center of the picture.

What do you notice about this piece of neighborhood? No fence between the houses. In fact, there were very few fences in that neighborhood. The only people who had fences had either a dog or a swimming pool.

These were fairly large yards; they were almost 300 feet deep most of which was in the back yards. So, it would cost a lot to put in a fence all the way back. But even most yards with less depth had no fence.

The picture was taken about 30 years ago and I believe that there is a fence in this yard now. I can't tell you why because I don't know the people who live there now.

In many of today's neighborhoods, almost everyone has a fence. And it's not just because of a dog or swimming pool. It's the desire mainly for privacy but also for security.

I think the prevalance of fences is one of the reasons we don't know our neighbors all that well anymore.


At 10:37 PM, Blogger Ohjeeze said...

You can stick your head over a fence and talk to your neighbor, or walk around it. People don't know their neighbors anymore because they choose to be less friendly. If you want company now, you get online or call someone on your cell phone. Years ago, you had to talk with someone face to face.

At 6:50 PM, Blogger cajrrman said...

I have seen whole neighborhoods where the fences are 8 feet tall. Kindof hard to peek over those fences. Some people are less friendly nowadays. I wonder why.


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