Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Sweet Corn

(From 8/4/06 on my old blog)

When I was growing up in Illinois, sweet corn was one of those things that we ate a lot of. Corn on the cob, that is. And the fresher the better. There were numerous “fruit stands” along the road within 10 miles of our home where we would visit to see if they had some nice fresh corn – supposedly picked earlier that day. Then we would eat the corn later that day. None of this cold storage stuff. And forget the “horse corn” with the big kernels. And stay away from gummy corn – that was the worst. It had to be preferably white corn, picked that day with fairly small kernels. We’d get a dozen ears. I was known to eat three or four of them.

Had sweet corn on the cob tonight. It was very good and fits the description above except it was most likely picked days ago, was probably grown here in Colorado, and we bought it at King Sooper. Nevertheless, I at two whole ears and considered a third. I’ll save it for tomorrow.


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