Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Trashing C470

While driving to work the other day on C470 across Highlands Ranch, I spotted a large pile of trash along the south side of the highway. Not just a bag or two; it looked like about the amount that would nicely fit in the back of a pickup truck. Large non-descript items neatly piled about 20 feet off the road.

I wonder why this trash was dumped there. While it is not that unusual to see "gross" piles of trash in out of the way places, it is very unusual to see it dumped along a busy highway where, no doubt, lots of people saw whoever it was doing their deed. The C470 right of way is relatively clean although there is enough loose trash that accumulates so that it has to be picked up fairly often.

Why do people do this and why did this person do it there?


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