Monday, September 03, 2007

Cool Places

There are some really cool places that the hobby of geocaching can lead you to. Here are some pictures from the geocache hunt of 9/1/2007. If you click on a photo, you will see a larger rendering.

This picture is along the South Platte River along the abandoned Colorado and Southern railroad grade. There is a cache supposedly hidden downstream from here but no one has found it in over a year. The owner emailed me today and said he was on his way to check on it. If he tells me that it is still there. I will go back soon.

An offshoot hobby related to geocaching is the hunt for benchmarks like this one:

This one is along the same trail as in the picture above.

The wildflowers are wonderful:

Some enticing berries (we didn't taste).

There are always bugs in the woods:

If you get tired, you can check into a nearby top notch hotel:

Lots of mushrooms to check out:

All of the above pictrures were taken on September 1st, 2007.


At 6:36 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Wonderful photos! Love the first one especially...makes you want to take the trail to see where it takes you.


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