Tuesday, April 17, 2007

More Snakes

On my bike ride the other day, I managed to see a total of 3 snakes! The first was a plains garter snake. I missed running over its head by about 2 inches. That probably would have killed it. It was about 18 inches long, dark green with yellow or light green stripes running the length of its body. Really cool snake. I went back and shoosted it off the trail to avoid any more near mishaps.

The second snake I saw, I actually did run over. This little guy was about 9 inches long and no thicker than a pencil. I ran over it before I could possible do anything to avoid it. I went back and found him right where I had run over him. He was coiled up and did not appear any worse for the wear. Like the first snake I saw, I encouraged him to get off the bike path with a stick.

A little while later, I came across the 2nd snake's uncle. This one was about 18 inches long and thicker than the first snake I saw. I again used a stick to prod it to get off the trail where it was sunning itself.

These last two snakes were western terrestrial garter snakes.

You can see pictures of these sorts of snakes here.


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